Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Kid's Books August 18th

School! Adventures at the Harvey N. Trouble Elementary School by Kate  McMullan

Welcome to the Harvey N. Trouble Elementary School.
Meet Ron Faster and his tippy-toppy friends: Adam Up,
Viola Fuss, Sid Down, ChuckieUpkins, the principal, 
Miss Ingashoe, and the school secretary, Miss Celia
Seeyalater.  Join them as they go through adventures on a
hotsy-totsy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday at a most unusual school.

The Unseen World of Poppy Malone  by Suzanne Harper

Evidence: 1. A snicker: soft but clear. 2. The mess.
3. White teeth gleaming in the shadows.  
Possibilities: 1. Vampires. 2 Ghosts. 3. Goblins. 
4. Werewolves. 5 Fairies.
To do: 1. Record evidence in logbook. 2. Do not tell
Mom and Dad! 3. Read (again!) The Little People:
A comprehensive History of Hobgoblins, Pixies, Brownies, and Sprites.
4. Set a trap. 5. Set up motion-sensor camera. 6. Ask Will and Franny
for help? 

Ellie McDoodle: Have pen will travel by Ruth McNally Barshaw

Ellie McDougal (better known to her friends as Ellie McDoodle because she loves to draw)
 is a nearly-twelve-year-old prisoner . . . of her aunt, uncle,
 three annoying cousins, and her baby brother, Ben-Ben. 
Sentenced to a week-long camping trip with them while her parents
 are out of town, Ellie is absolutely, positively determined 
to hate every single minute of the experience. 
Thank goodness she at least has her sketch journal,
 in which she records all the excruciating (and okay, very funny) details.
 Mosquito bites and trips to the Fred Moose museum she can handle.
 But how will she keep her journal from falling into Er-ick the Enemy's hands? 
And what will happen when--gasp--she actually starts having fun?
 Part graphic novel, part confessional journal, 
part wilderness survival guide, 
Ellie's story is a treat for young campers,
 vacationers, or anyone looking for a great summer read. 

Ellie McDoodle: New kid in School by Ruth McNally Barshaw

Moving to a new house? Bad. Being the new kid? Worse!
When Ellis's family moves to a new town, she's sure she won't fit in.
Nobody else like to read as much as she does, the other kids at 
school play "new kid bingo" behind her back, and even the teachers
can't seem to remember her name.  But when the students need
someone to help them rally against long lunch lines (and bad food),
Ellie is on the case. And with shorter lines and better food in sight,
can friendship be far behind? For any kid who's ever felt like an
outsider looking in, Ellie's journal captures the frustration, the
nervousness, and, yes the occasional happy surprises of
making a fresh start.

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