Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome Spring with these great Tell me why, Tell me how books for kids!

Why is the sky blue? by Wil Mara

The sky is everywhere, a blue ceiling spreading above us.
Why is the Sky Blue? trace light's long journey from the sun
to the earth and how the sky often ends up dressed in 
a bright shade of blue.

How do plants grow? by Melissa Stewart

In the spring, a tiny sprout breaks through the soil.
Sunlight and water help the seedling make the food it needs
to survive.  How do plants grow? takes you inside this green
world, from the tips of the roots to the bright flowers and shiny leaves.

How do caterpillars become butterflies? by Darice Bailer

Butterflies start their lives in a very different form
than the caterpillars they begin their live as.  How do caterpillars become butterflies?
shows how these amazing insects turn from crawling creatures to winged beauties.

How do tadpoles become frogs? by Darice Bailer

Frog babies do not look like the adult frogs that they will 
become one day.  How do tadpoles become frogs? shows readers
how these amazing frogs grow from tiny eggs to incredible four-legged amphibians.

Friday, March 9, 2012

New Books for Kids

Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman

Abraham Lincoln was an unforgettable man.  Look,
there he is on your five dollar bill and on your pennies.  And
when you see a tall hat,who but Abe Lincoln comes to mind?
And our country is still the UNITED States because he helped
hold it together.  But who was he REALLY?

First Girl Scout by Ginger Wadsworth

When Juliette Gordon was growing up in the late 1800's, she
climbed tees, swam in rivers, and hiked on tall cliffs.  With
her cousins and friends, she sewed costumes and put on plays,
sketched and painted, and reached out to help other kids who were less fortunate.
Juliette - or Daisy, as her friends and family called her - knew that most
girls her age weren't so lucky: they didn't have the opportunities to
play, create, and enjoy outdoor activities the way she did.  And when
Daisy became an adult, she set out to do something to change that.
Juliette (Daisy) Gordon Low made history by founding the first
national organization to bring girls from all backgrounds into the out-of-doors..
the Girl Scouts of the USA...

North: the amazing story of Arctic migration by  Nick Dowson

Come along on an extraordinary wildlife adventure!
Every spring, millions of animals, including gray whales,
white cranes, wolves, and caribou, set off from around the world on a long
journey north.  Follow them as they fly, swim, or walk hundreds-
even thousands-of miles to the Arctic, where they'll feed and breed all summer.