Why is the sky blue? by Wil Mara |
The sky is everywhere, a blue ceiling spreading above us.
Why is the Sky Blue? trace light's long journey from the sun
to the earth and how the sky often ends up dressed in
a bright shade of blue.
How do plants grow? by Melissa Stewart |
In the spring, a tiny sprout breaks through the soil.
Sunlight and water help the seedling make the food it needs
to survive. How do plants grow? takes you inside this green
world, from the tips of the roots to the bright flowers and shiny leaves.
How do caterpillars become butterflies? by Darice Bailer |
Butterflies start their lives in a very different form
than the caterpillars they begin their live as. How do caterpillars become butterflies?
shows how these amazing insects turn from crawling creatures to winged beauties.
How do tadpoles become frogs? by Darice Bailer |
Frog babies do not look like the adult frogs that they will
become one day. How do tadpoles become frogs? shows readers
how these amazing frogs grow from tiny eggs to incredible four-legged amphibians.